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Dosage Information: How to take cannabis oil
By: Lincoln Horsley
1/22/2013 For most people it takes about 60 grams (or about 60ml) of cannabis oil to kill most cancers. For the average person it will take about 90 days to ingest the full 60 gram treatment of cannabis oil. It is important to remember that the 60 gram/ml 90 day treatment protocol is just a recommendation and starting point. It can take some people a longer time to finish their treatment. (*DIRECTIONS for making cannabis oil*) People should start by orally ingesting three doses of cannabis oil per day. For the first week each dose should be the size of a half grain of white rice. After the oil has been taken for a week, start to double the dose. The dose should be doubled every four days until 1 gram or 1ml per day is ingested. 1 gram of oil weighed out will be about the same as 1ml of oil in an oral syringe. Most people to get to the point where they can ingest 1 gram per day in about 30-35 days. Once ingesting one gram of oil per day is achieved, dosage should continue at that rate until the cancer is gone. Some people have however increased each of their daily doses to 2grams or more. Since the starting doses of oil are so small it is very easy for cannabis oil to be dosed out of an oral syringe right into empty pill capsules. This allows for the dosing of the cannabis oil to be very consistent and precise for beginners or children just starting the cannabis oil treatment. Precise dosage is important so that the "high" side effect can be avoided as much as possible. Oral syringes also make it very easy to store your cannabis oil discreetly. |
Dosing cannabis oil from Oral syringes into empty pill capsules will also allow for a patient/care-giver to dose out the cannabis oil treatment for many days in advance. This makes it easy for a patient to keep track of how much oil that they are taking and when they take it. It also makes it easy to add the cannabis oil treatment to any other oral medication regimen that a patient might be on. Cureyourowncancer.org has made it easy for you to get your oral syringes, empty pill capsules and now suppository molds by offering them to you in our online store. As a special offer for reading this use discount code: TAKEoff5 to get a 5% discount off of any syringes, pill capsules, suppository mold or apparel you order through the our online store.
Dosing the oil slowly over the first 30 days allows the body to build up a tolerance to it slowly. For people that experience a "high" side effect or extreme tiredness during the day, you can slightly reduce your dosage during the day hours and slightly increase your dosage before bed. This will help in gaining quality of sleep plus it helps build your tolerance while you sleep. We all have different tolerances for any medication.
The size and body weight of a person have little to do with your tolerance to cannabis oil. Be aware that when treating with cannabis oil it is also likely it will lower your blood pressure. If you are currently taking a blood pressure medication it's possible you will no longer need to take it once you start the cannabis oil. Closely monitor your blood pressure to make sure you can stop taking your current medication.
At the end of the oil treatment, continued use of the cannabis oil is a great idea. After the cancer is gone you can take the oil at a much reduced dose. Taking 1 gram per month is a good dose to maintain your health. There have been people who have experienced withdraw symptoms when the original cannabis oil treatment is finished. They did not take a maintenance dose of oil nor did they ingest cannabis in any other fashion, such as vaporizing. The symptoms experienced were extreme anxiety, panic attacks, repetitive negative thoughts, inability to focus, no motivation, racing mind, insomnia, loss of appetite, sweats, lack of sex drive. The patients withdraw in some cases symptoms mimicked depression. These symptoms were gone within 10-14 days. Not all patients experience these side effects, but we feel it is important to let you know they have been reported to us.
Dosing the oil slowly over the first 30 days allows the body to build up a tolerance to it slowly. For people that experience a "high" side effect or extreme tiredness during the day, you can slightly reduce your dosage during the day hours and slightly increase your dosage before bed. This will help in gaining quality of sleep plus it helps build your tolerance while you sleep. We all have different tolerances for any medication.
The size and body weight of a person have little to do with your tolerance to cannabis oil. Be aware that when treating with cannabis oil it is also likely it will lower your blood pressure. If you are currently taking a blood pressure medication it's possible you will no longer need to take it once you start the cannabis oil. Closely monitor your blood pressure to make sure you can stop taking your current medication.
At the end of the oil treatment, continued use of the cannabis oil is a great idea. After the cancer is gone you can take the oil at a much reduced dose. Taking 1 gram per month is a good dose to maintain your health. There have been people who have experienced withdraw symptoms when the original cannabis oil treatment is finished. They did not take a maintenance dose of oil nor did they ingest cannabis in any other fashion, such as vaporizing. The symptoms experienced were extreme anxiety, panic attacks, repetitive negative thoughts, inability to focus, no motivation, racing mind, insomnia, loss of appetite, sweats, lack of sex drive. The patients withdraw in some cases symptoms mimicked depression. These symptoms were gone within 10-14 days. Not all patients experience these side effects, but we feel it is important to let you know they have been reported to us.
Cannabis Oil Suppositories:
Using cannabis oil suppositories with the same dosage amounts as oral ingestion is another way that cannabis oil can be taken to treat cancer. Some people believe suppositories may get cannabis oil into your bloodstream better than orally taking the oil. To make a batch of cannabis oil suppositories you would want to start with 100 grams of cocoa butter for every 1-2 grams of cannabis oil. (YOU CAN CLICK HERE TO GET COCOA BUTTER) First you will need to melt your cocoa butter. This can be easily done by putting the cocoa butter in a stainless container and use a gentle heating device like a candle warmer to melt it.
Next add your cannabis oil to the melted cocoa butter while on the heating device. Stir the melted cocoa butter/cannabis oil mixture together so that the oil is evenly mixed throughout. Next you pour the warm mixture into suppository molds that can be purchased online. Let them cool at room temperature.
You want to start with 1-2 grams of cannabis oil per 100 grams of cocoa butter. This is a good starting point so the suppositories are not too strong. You can then increase the cannabis oil according to how much the patient needs or can tolerate. You will work towards being able to take as much oil per suppository as you would take orally.
Cannabis oil suppositories can be used when the cancer is in the lower part of the body like the bowel, prostate or anus. Getting the oil as close to the cancer as possible is a great idea. The suppositories will also open up your lungs and make it easier to breath. They are great for people with asthma as well. If you cannot make the suppositories like above you can also use empty pill capsules as an alternative. Cancer survivor Corrie Yelland from our testimonial page used empty pill capsules as suppositories while treating her anal cancer. You can also get suppository molds in our online store if you are trying to make your own suppositories. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR SUPPOSITORY MOLDS.
Using cannabis oil suppositories with the same dosage amounts as oral ingestion is another way that cannabis oil can be taken to treat cancer. Some people believe suppositories may get cannabis oil into your bloodstream better than orally taking the oil. To make a batch of cannabis oil suppositories you would want to start with 100 grams of cocoa butter for every 1-2 grams of cannabis oil. (YOU CAN CLICK HERE TO GET COCOA BUTTER) First you will need to melt your cocoa butter. This can be easily done by putting the cocoa butter in a stainless container and use a gentle heating device like a candle warmer to melt it.
Next add your cannabis oil to the melted cocoa butter while on the heating device. Stir the melted cocoa butter/cannabis oil mixture together so that the oil is evenly mixed throughout. Next you pour the warm mixture into suppository molds that can be purchased online. Let them cool at room temperature.
You want to start with 1-2 grams of cannabis oil per 100 grams of cocoa butter. This is a good starting point so the suppositories are not too strong. You can then increase the cannabis oil according to how much the patient needs or can tolerate. You will work towards being able to take as much oil per suppository as you would take orally.
Cannabis oil suppositories can be used when the cancer is in the lower part of the body like the bowel, prostate or anus. Getting the oil as close to the cancer as possible is a great idea. The suppositories will also open up your lungs and make it easier to breath. They are great for people with asthma as well. If you cannot make the suppositories like above you can also use empty pill capsules as an alternative. Cancer survivor Corrie Yelland from our testimonial page used empty pill capsules as suppositories while treating her anal cancer. You can also get suppository molds in our online store if you are trying to make your own suppositories. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR SUPPOSITORY MOLDS.
Starting with larger doses would be good to help patients get off addictive and dangerous pain medications like Morphine or Vicodin. When people using those type of medications start the cannabis oil treatment, they can a lot of times, cut their pain medications by as much as half. It might also be good to start with larger doses if the cancer is in the late stages. Most importantly though you always want to make sure you stay within your "comfort zone" when taking the cannabis oil. Everyone is different, some people can take more than others. So make sure that the dose you take is right for you.
Cannabis oil can have a very high success rate in the treatment of cancer. Unfortunately, many people who decide to start cannabis oil treatment have been badly damaged by chemo and radiation. That damage done by those treatments can extend the time and the amount of cannabis oil needed to kill cancer. Depending on the damage done and type of cancer, it could take as much as 180 grams of cannabis oil and 6 months or more to kill the cancer. The oil is also able rejuvenate vital organs in the body like the pancreas. Some diabetics who have taken the oil find that after about six weeks of treating with cannabis oil that they have reduced their insulin use in half. And in certain cases they no longer require insulin at all since their pancreas started doing its job again.
Cannabis oil can have a very high success rate in the treatment of cancer. Unfortunately, many people who decide to start cannabis oil treatment have been badly damaged by chemo and radiation. That damage done by those treatments can extend the time and the amount of cannabis oil needed to kill cancer. Depending on the damage done and type of cancer, it could take as much as 180 grams of cannabis oil and 6 months or more to kill the cancer. The oil is also able rejuvenate vital organs in the body like the pancreas. Some diabetics who have taken the oil find that after about six weeks of treating with cannabis oil that they have reduced their insulin use in half. And in certain cases they no longer require insulin at all since their pancreas started doing its job again.
To Treat Skin Cancer:
You will need about an ounce of high quality cannabis to make the oil to treat skin cancer. With this amount of starting material you should get 3 to 4 grams of high grade cannabis oil. You will apply the oil directly to the skin cancer and cover it with a clean bandage. RE-apply fresh cannabis oil every 1 or 2 days as well as a new bandage. Continue treatment until the cancer is gone. Once the cancer is gone continue to treat the same area where the cancer was for about two weeks just as if the cancer was still present. Doing this helps ensure that all the cancer cells die. If you've had skin cancer for a longer period of time, it may take a longer time to cure. In most skin cancer cases, the cancer disappears in less than three weeks. In extreme cases it could take longer. Just continue the treatment until the cancer gone. The speed of healing all depends on your own rate of healing and how deep the cancer is. Below is a video that I made from pictures I received showing Basal Cell Carcinoma being completely eradicated in just 35 days using only cannabis oil. |
Lifestyle and Diet Changes:
When starting cannabis oil treatment the next steps that should be taken are a change in diet and a few lifestyle changes. Cancer cannot grow in an alkaline body that is highly oxygenated. You want to eat an alkaline rich diet by eating many greens everyday. Plant protein will fight the growth of cancer. Buy a juicer and start eating as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible. Eat little to no meat or dairy products because the proteins in them will promotes cancer growth. You should stop eating sugars. Do not drink any soda at all. Replace the use of sugar with natural sweetener’s like raw honey.
*All tobacco use should be stopped at once. Cigarette smoking kills over 500,000 people each year alone and its a fact it causes cancer. So stopping the use of tobacco at once is very important. Why would you continue to use a product that causes cancer? This is the first lifestyle change you need to make.*
You will also want to get the patient’s Ph up as quick as you can. Cancer thrives in acidic environments so by raising the body’s Ph level it makes it hard for cancer cells to survive there. One of the most alkalizing foods to incorporate in the patients diets is chlorophyll. Remember: chlorophyll is the substance in plants that allows them to absorb light from the sun and convert that light into usable energy. By eating a diet high in chlorophyll (dark green veggies and super greens), we drink in liquid oxygen.
I encourage you to educate yourself about which foods are more alkaline forming. There are many acid-alkaline diet books and food charts available online that you can study. With a juicer take 1/3 apple, 1/3 carrot, 1/3 celery and make juice to drink everyday. This will help raise the Ph level in the body. Eating seeds from two apples everyday will give you a good daily dose of B17. B17 itself has had a good record of treating cancer. Many people who use cannabis oil to treat their cancers didn't change anything, and the oil still worked. If its a matter of life and death, changing your diet is an easy step to take to help cure your cancer. I always suggest doing so.
It is also beneficial to oxygenate the body. In 1931 Dr. Otto Warburg won his first Nobel Prize for proving cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen respiration in cells. He stated in an article titled The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer that "the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements."
So oxygenating the body is essential to help kill the cancer. You can lightly bounce on a 3ft. little trampoline for 20 minutes a day. This helps to oxygenate the body and quickly increases white blood cell counts. If you don't want to bounce on a trampoline you can walk outside 3-4 times per week without fatigue to increase oxygen to the body. Also Drink lots of non- chlorinated/non-fluoridated spring water every day. At least 1(one) gallon with ½ tsp. of Himalayan pink salt. This increases the electricity in the body that is needed to heal.
When starting cannabis oil treatment the next steps that should be taken are a change in diet and a few lifestyle changes. Cancer cannot grow in an alkaline body that is highly oxygenated. You want to eat an alkaline rich diet by eating many greens everyday. Plant protein will fight the growth of cancer. Buy a juicer and start eating as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible. Eat little to no meat or dairy products because the proteins in them will promotes cancer growth. You should stop eating sugars. Do not drink any soda at all. Replace the use of sugar with natural sweetener’s like raw honey.
*All tobacco use should be stopped at once. Cigarette smoking kills over 500,000 people each year alone and its a fact it causes cancer. So stopping the use of tobacco at once is very important. Why would you continue to use a product that causes cancer? This is the first lifestyle change you need to make.*
You will also want to get the patient’s Ph up as quick as you can. Cancer thrives in acidic environments so by raising the body’s Ph level it makes it hard for cancer cells to survive there. One of the most alkalizing foods to incorporate in the patients diets is chlorophyll. Remember: chlorophyll is the substance in plants that allows them to absorb light from the sun and convert that light into usable energy. By eating a diet high in chlorophyll (dark green veggies and super greens), we drink in liquid oxygen.
I encourage you to educate yourself about which foods are more alkaline forming. There are many acid-alkaline diet books and food charts available online that you can study. With a juicer take 1/3 apple, 1/3 carrot, 1/3 celery and make juice to drink everyday. This will help raise the Ph level in the body. Eating seeds from two apples everyday will give you a good daily dose of B17. B17 itself has had a good record of treating cancer. Many people who use cannabis oil to treat their cancers didn't change anything, and the oil still worked. If its a matter of life and death, changing your diet is an easy step to take to help cure your cancer. I always suggest doing so.
It is also beneficial to oxygenate the body. In 1931 Dr. Otto Warburg won his first Nobel Prize for proving cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen respiration in cells. He stated in an article titled The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer that "the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements."
So oxygenating the body is essential to help kill the cancer. You can lightly bounce on a 3ft. little trampoline for 20 minutes a day. This helps to oxygenate the body and quickly increases white blood cell counts. If you don't want to bounce on a trampoline you can walk outside 3-4 times per week without fatigue to increase oxygen to the body. Also Drink lots of non- chlorinated/non-fluoridated spring water every day. At least 1(one) gallon with ½ tsp. of Himalayan pink salt. This increases the electricity in the body that is needed to heal.