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Preventing Cancer
Dave Murphy
Written by Dave Murphy-Health Coach & Natural Cancer Cure Advocate
"Preventing Cancer"
There is so much talk today about cancer treatment but very little about a cure and even less about prevention. So this is why we feel that this is a very important subject to cover. Especially since cancer rates continue to climb every year. There are many things we can do to make the best effort to avoid this disease. The industry leads us to believe that we are helpless to its demise, but the evidence shows otherwise. You do have the ability to greatly reduce the risk of cancer.
There are many people searching out there to cure their disease or affliction and we are here to help. We know information on how to cure your self through natural methods such as cannabis extract medicine. We know it is the safest and best way to get results. The reason for this is simple. All medicine prescribed by allopathic practitioners is liver toxic! All tradition methods to treat cancer have dismal results with many life threatening side effects. Please understand this simple concept. For every chemical toxic approach to treating disease and sickness, there is a natural approach that is as good as or many times more effective than pharmaceutical drugs. Most people will exhaust every possible treatment suggested to them to cure their cancer from the allopathic approach until their doctor says there is nothing more we can do and you should go home and settle your affairs. At this point many are in late stage four cancers and much of their immune system has been destroyed, thanks to this medical practice.
The information provided here in this article is to help people who are relatively healthy to stay that way for the long term and to avoid all disease, especially cancer! The number one reason we get sick and come down with a disease like cancer is because of a weakened immune system. Sure there are indications why we contract cancer. It may be genetic or environmental and lifestyle, but ultimately we get sick or contract a disease because our immune system can not fight off the virus or the disease. John Hopkins University says we have 6-8 cancers that go through our body in our lifetime. So if this is the case, why is it that some people get cancer and some don’t? The reason is people who have a well performing immune system recognizes the cancer cells and it does not allow the mutated cells to continue to grow and multiply. So then how is it that we maintain a strong immune system? Here are some ideas to help you develop a strong immune system.
Drink fresh, non chlorinated, non fluoridated water.
Let’s keep it simple. This is a very important basic and cheap first step. Water is the basis of all life and that includes your body. The muscles that move your body are 75% water, your blood that transports nutrients are 82% water, your lungs that provide your oxygen are 90% water, your brain that is the control center of your body is 76% water. Even your bones are 25% water. Many people drink too much coffee, energy drinks, sports drinks and especially soda. A while back I was helping someone make rso for their dying relative and I was presenting several ways to help and I discovered that this person did not drink water. I also found out that no one in the family drinks water. This person drinks 7-8 sodas per day as well as a few energy drinks and never drinks water. I was shocked! So I went to the water cooler and poured them a glass of fresh cold water and asked them to drink it. It was as if I was trying to poison them. You should have seen the look on their face as they were drinking it. They actually disliked it and it was very unpleasant to them. We need water to help our brains work. Dehydration affects our brain and causes mental lethargy and memory issues. By the time the brain is feeling the effects of dehydration, the rest of your body is suffering. This leads to an improper water volume in the body, resulting in an imbalance of the minerals in the bloodstream cells. The mineral imbalance interferes with the normal function of brain cells and, when left untreated, can result in permanent brain damage or death. But the point is that our immune system can not work at its peak if we are not giving it what it needs. The suggested daily amount we should drink per day is 8 glasses. When we drink other things besides water, we are getting lots of sugar, chemicals such as aspartame, caffeine and ephedrine (also called ephedra). |
Avoid Sugar.
Sugar is a big ingredient in many drinks. Processed sugar in large amounts over time has the ability to overwhelm the pancreas. Your pancreas generates insulin in relation to the amount of sugar (glucose or whatever types ) in the blood stream. The more sugar you put into your blood stream, the more insulin your pancreas must generate to offset your sugar intake. If your pancreas is "worn out" by being overworked from too much intake of sugar, it allows diabetes to begin. Backing off on the huge amounts of sugar from energy drinks can give your body a rest from having to produce mountains of insulin. For this reason, since high amounts of processed sugar are a major active ingredient in most energy drinks, it is also the first on the danger list.
Avoid Caffeine.
Caffeine blocks a brain chemical called adenosine which is involved in sleep. Caffeine also causes you to lose valuable B vitamins needed for normal energy creation in the body. Symptoms of caffeine abuse are: nervousness, headache, increased heart rate, anxiety, upset stomach, irregular heartbeat, irritability, GI irritation, elevated blood pressure, agitation, heartburn, increased cholesterol, tremors, diarrhea, nutritional deficiencies, insomnia, fatigue, poor concentration, depression, dizziness and bed wetting. Also excessive caffeine intake can cause uterine fibroids to develop. Ephedrine increases heart rate and blood pressure at low doses up to and including strokes, seizures, and even death at high doses. Ephedra can cause heatstroke for two reasons: It impairs the body's ability to (lose) heat. It makes you hyper metabolic -- that is, it increases the metabolism, which then helps the body to produce more heat internally. As a result, your heart rate goes up and blood pressure elevates, which causes the blood vessels to constrict. It's harder to lose heat through constricted blood vessels.
Avoid Aspartame.
Today, aspartame is found in over 6,000 products and consumed by 250 million people world wide. There has been more reports for aspartame reactions to the FDA than all other food additives put together. In 1988, 80 percent of complaints to the FDA about food additives were aspartame related. After more than 8,000 complaints on the side effect of NutraSweet, the FDA released a list of 92 side effects associated with aspartame consumption. This is without taking into account other findings that show what aspartame can cause:
Sugar is a big ingredient in many drinks. Processed sugar in large amounts over time has the ability to overwhelm the pancreas. Your pancreas generates insulin in relation to the amount of sugar (glucose or whatever types ) in the blood stream. The more sugar you put into your blood stream, the more insulin your pancreas must generate to offset your sugar intake. If your pancreas is "worn out" by being overworked from too much intake of sugar, it allows diabetes to begin. Backing off on the huge amounts of sugar from energy drinks can give your body a rest from having to produce mountains of insulin. For this reason, since high amounts of processed sugar are a major active ingredient in most energy drinks, it is also the first on the danger list.
Avoid Caffeine.
Caffeine blocks a brain chemical called adenosine which is involved in sleep. Caffeine also causes you to lose valuable B vitamins needed for normal energy creation in the body. Symptoms of caffeine abuse are: nervousness, headache, increased heart rate, anxiety, upset stomach, irregular heartbeat, irritability, GI irritation, elevated blood pressure, agitation, heartburn, increased cholesterol, tremors, diarrhea, nutritional deficiencies, insomnia, fatigue, poor concentration, depression, dizziness and bed wetting. Also excessive caffeine intake can cause uterine fibroids to develop. Ephedrine increases heart rate and blood pressure at low doses up to and including strokes, seizures, and even death at high doses. Ephedra can cause heatstroke for two reasons: It impairs the body's ability to (lose) heat. It makes you hyper metabolic -- that is, it increases the metabolism, which then helps the body to produce more heat internally. As a result, your heart rate goes up and blood pressure elevates, which causes the blood vessels to constrict. It's harder to lose heat through constricted blood vessels.
Avoid Aspartame.
Today, aspartame is found in over 6,000 products and consumed by 250 million people world wide. There has been more reports for aspartame reactions to the FDA than all other food additives put together. In 1988, 80 percent of complaints to the FDA about food additives were aspartame related. After more than 8,000 complaints on the side effect of NutraSweet, the FDA released a list of 92 side effects associated with aspartame consumption. This is without taking into account other findings that show what aspartame can cause:
Avoid Fluoride.
Let’s begin at the beginning. Fluoride is such a big subject and I feel people need some introduction of how this chemical started. The first occurrence of fluoridated drinking water on earth was in Germany Nazi prison camps. There was no interest in protecting the enamel of children’s teeth. Their alleged reason for mass medicating the masses with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force them into submission. The reference book for this is: crime and punishment of I V Farmin, by Joseph Borkin. Sodium fluoride is also a hazardous waste by product from the aluminum manufacturing industry. It is a common ingredient in rat & cockroach poisons, anesthetics, hypnotics and psychiatrics as well as military nerve gas. It’s been historically very expensive to dispose of until the aluminum industries over abundance of this product, sold the public on an insane idea of buying it for a 200,000 percent mark up, injecting it in our water supply and then drinking it. Its injected at approximately 1ppm in our water supply. But since we only drink ½ of 1 percent of the total water supply, the rest literally goes down the drain as a free hazardous waste disposal for the chemical industry. So we pay them so we can flush their hazardous waste down our toilets. Independent scientific evidence repeatedly shows over the past 50 years revealing that fluoride shortens of life span, promotes cancer and various mental disturbances, accelerates osteoporosis and broken hips in old people and makes us stupid, docile and subservient all in one package. There are reports of aluminum in the brain possibly being a causative factor in Alzheimer’s disease. |
The reason behind fluoridation is not to protect children’s teeth. If this were true there are several cheaper and more effective ways to accomplish this. The real reason behind water fluoridation in my opinion, from all the evidence, is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination, control and loss of liberty.
Consider this quote: “Any person who drinks artificially fluoridated water for a period of one year or more will never be the same person again, mentally or physically” Charles E. Perkins, Chemist, Oct.2, 1954
Avoid BPA.
Bisphenol A is considered an endocrine disruptor because it mimics estrogen, a natural hormone, and may fool the body by stimulating reactions that are unnecessary and potentially harmful.
Scientists have linked bisphenol A (BPA) to a higher incidence of heart disease, diabetes and liver abnormalities in adults as well as brain and hormone development problems in fetuses and young children. Other tests have shown that bisphenol A can promote human breast cancer cell growth, decrease sperm counts in rats, and cause erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems in men.
Consider this quote: “Any person who drinks artificially fluoridated water for a period of one year or more will never be the same person again, mentally or physically” Charles E. Perkins, Chemist, Oct.2, 1954
Avoid BPA.
Bisphenol A is considered an endocrine disruptor because it mimics estrogen, a natural hormone, and may fool the body by stimulating reactions that are unnecessary and potentially harmful.
Scientists have linked bisphenol A (BPA) to a higher incidence of heart disease, diabetes and liver abnormalities in adults as well as brain and hormone development problems in fetuses and young children. Other tests have shown that bisphenol A can promote human breast cancer cell growth, decrease sperm counts in rats, and cause erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems in men.
Numerous studies have shown that bisphenol A leaches from plastics and resins when they are exposed to hard use or high temperatures (as in microwave ovens and dishwashers). Because bisphenol A is used in so many common products that we use every day—such as baby bottles, reusable water bottles, microwaveable containers, and the protective coating inside most food and beverage cans—most people in developed countries are exposed almost continuously to some level of bisphenol A. This is the reason in my opinion why so many more women are being born around the world then men and why many men are becoming not so manly or masculine.
My suggestion is to buy a water filtration system such as the propur that eliminates heavy metals, chlorine, most fluoride and drink out of a BPA free container. It will save you several hundred dollars per year on buying bottled water as well.
In summary; When drinking other drinks besides water, many times we are combining sugar, caffeine, ephedrine, aspartame, fluoride, chlorine, BPA, etc.,etc…which makes for a potent drink that can tax our immune system and cause many undesirable side effects. Here is the basic problem with all of this. The amount of work, labor and damage the immune system goes through to protect our body combating several toxic chemicals limits how much available energy is left for our immune system to locate and destroy mutated cells growing abnormally. So let’s make it easier for our bodies to work and there will be more energy available to let our immune system do its job and to work at its peak. This is the first line of defense to help prevent cancer. For any questions or comments you can email me at [email protected].
In summary; When drinking other drinks besides water, many times we are combining sugar, caffeine, ephedrine, aspartame, fluoride, chlorine, BPA, etc.,etc…which makes for a potent drink that can tax our immune system and cause many undesirable side effects. Here is the basic problem with all of this. The amount of work, labor and damage the immune system goes through to protect our body combating several toxic chemicals limits how much available energy is left for our immune system to locate and destroy mutated cells growing abnormally. So let’s make it easier for our bodies to work and there will be more energy available to let our immune system do its job and to work at its peak. This is the first line of defense to help prevent cancer. For any questions or comments you can email me at [email protected].
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