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How To Make Your Own Cannabis Oil
By: Lincoln Horsley
10-20-2012 If you are trying to make your own cannabis oil (marijuana oil, weed oil, pot oil, hash oil, Rick Simpson Oil, RSO) and you are not sure if you are doing it correctly this page will help you. Below there are 2 types of instructions on making cannabis oil. First are instructional videos as well as written instructions that will show you how to produce your own cannabis oil with supplies found in the home. This is a very simple and inexpensive way to create make your cannabis oil. The second set of instructions below show you how to make cannabis oil using the new Magical Butter Maker. The magical butter maker makes it very easy for anyone to make cannabis oil. Now you can get your Magical Butter Maker in our store by clicking HERE. We have also provided pictures of cannabis oil during the steps of production (click for more pictures). That way you can see exactly what your oil should look like during each step of the process. If you follow the instructions given here you will be able to produce your own cannabis oil that can be used to treat cancer and many other illnesses. For your convenience we are now offering in our online store empty oral syringes and empty pill capsules for you to use with your cannabis oil. Empty oral syringes are a great way for you to store or transport your finished cannabis oil discreetly. And some people find it easier to put their oil in empty pill capsules to take it in pill form. Good luck and God Bless. |
Directions for Making Cannabis Oil
Starting material:
To start treating most cancers you will need about 60 grams/ml of cannabis oil. To produce a full 60 gram/ml treatment of cannabis oil you would need to work with 1 pound or more of high grade cannabis and 2 gallons of solvent. The cannabis used should be as dry as possible. You can also use as little as one ounce of cannabis to produce your oil. For every one ounce of high quality cannabis bud used, usually 3-5 grams of oil can be produced. The amount of oil produced per ounce of cannabis will vary from strain to strain, but it all has the amazing healing power.
For your solvent it is suggested to use 99/100% Isopropyl alcohol or 190 proof grain alcohol/Ever-clear. Do not use HEAVY NAPHTHA, COLEMAN FUEL OR VM&P NAPHTHA as a solvent because they can leave residual solvent in the oil. Making cannabis oil can be dangerous if the proper precautions are not taken. Please always wear the proper safety equipment like safety glasses, safety masks and gloves to minimize your exposure to the solvent. It is also very important to ALWAYS use a fan when making cannabis oil to carry solvent vapors away. Without using a fan solvent can puddle under the rice cooker which is very dangerous. ALWAYS use extreme caution when making cannabis oil.
To start treating most cancers you will need about 60 grams/ml of cannabis oil. To produce a full 60 gram/ml treatment of cannabis oil you would need to work with 1 pound or more of high grade cannabis and 2 gallons of solvent. The cannabis used should be as dry as possible. You can also use as little as one ounce of cannabis to produce your oil. For every one ounce of high quality cannabis bud used, usually 3-5 grams of oil can be produced. The amount of oil produced per ounce of cannabis will vary from strain to strain, but it all has the amazing healing power.
For your solvent it is suggested to use 99/100% Isopropyl alcohol or 190 proof grain alcohol/Ever-clear. Do not use HEAVY NAPHTHA, COLEMAN FUEL OR VM&P NAPHTHA as a solvent because they can leave residual solvent in the oil. Making cannabis oil can be dangerous if the proper precautions are not taken. Please always wear the proper safety equipment like safety glasses, safety masks and gloves to minimize your exposure to the solvent. It is also very important to ALWAYS use a fan when making cannabis oil to carry solvent vapors away. Without using a fan solvent can puddle under the rice cooker which is very dangerous. ALWAYS use extreme caution when making cannabis oil.
EMPTY Pill capsules and Oral Syringes for Cannabis Oil HERE
Making Cannabis oil using home supplies
Step 1. Place the completely bone dry starting cannabis material in a container big enough to hold all your material.
Step 2. Dampen or wash the cannabis material with the solvent you are using. It will require about two gallons of solvent to strip the THC and other cannabinoids off one pound of dry starting cannabis material.
Step 3. Lightly crush the cannabis material. Even though the starting material has been dampened with the solvent, you will find that the material can be readily crushed. As you are doing this, the THC and other cannabinoids will dissolve off the plant material into the solvent.
Step 4. Continue the crushing process for 1-2 minutes.
Step 5. Filter all of the cannabis out of your solvent-oil mix so you can put the solvent-oil mix in it's own container and set it to the side. You have just stripped the plant material of about 80% of its THC and other cannabinoids. There are numerous way to filter the cannabis from your solvent-oil mix. Here we used a strainer and coffee filters.
Step 6. Next you will again pour solvent over the cannabis material just enough to cover it and lightly crush it again for another 1-2 minutes to get the rest of the remaining THC and other cannabinoids out.
Step 7. Again filter all of the cannabis out of your solvent-oil mix. Pour the remaining filtered solvent-oil mix into the container holding the first solvent-mix that was poured off previously. In this photo we used a small mesh metal strainer to filter the cannabis.
Step 8. Discard the cannabis plant material.
Step 9. Line a funnel with a coffee filter and put the funnel into a large clean bottle. Pour the solvent-oil mix through the coffee filter into the large clean bottle to strain out any remaining plant material. This process should be repeated until ALL the remaining plant material is removed. Removing ALL the plant material ensures a pure, good quality oil. You don't want pieces of cannabis in oil that is being used as a medicine.
*BE VERY CAREFUL ON STEPS 10 AND 11* Step 10. Boil the solvent away. A rice cooker will boil away the solvent very nicely. You start by adding your solvent-oil mix to the rice cooker. Never fill more than ¾ full. Turn the rice cooker on and set it to high heat or to the "white rice" setting. As the level of solvent in the rice cooker lowers, continue adding solvent-oil mix until it is all in the cooker. When there is about one inch of solvent-oil mix left in the cooker, put on your oven mitts, pick the unit up and gently swirl the contents in the rice cooker.
Make sure you are in a very well ventilated area OUTSIDE and set up a fan to carry the fumes away. If a fan is not used a puddle of solvent may form under or around the rice cooker. It is important to use a fan. The fumes are very flammable. Be sure to stay away from red-hot elements, sparks, cigarettes etc. that could ignite the fumes. Do not inhale the fumes. It is always advised to wear a mask. Never take the oil over 290 degrees Fahrenheit because doing this can cause the cannabinoids to vaporize. Boiling away the solvent
Step 11. Before removing the oil from the rice cooker make sure that ALL the solvent has been boiled away. Put on your oven mitts and remove the pot containing the oil from the rice cooker then gently pour the oil into a small stainless steel or glass container.
Pouring oil from rice cooker to a stainless container
Step 12. Place you container holding your oil on a gentle heating device such as a candle warmer. It may take a few hours but Co2 will be evaporated from the oil. When there is no longer any activity or bubbles appearing on the surface of the oil the medicine is ready for use. I have had oil take anywhere from 3 hours to 24 hours to completely become still on the surface. Remember that the longer you heat the oil on gentle heat, the more sedative the oil will become. You can also finish the oil by putting it in the oven for about 1 hour set at 230 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the oil stops bubbling it is ready to use. SEE PHOTOS
Step 13. You can now suck the oil up into a plastic oral syringe. Putting the oil in a plastic syringe makes it very easy to dispense the medicine more consistently. To make it easy for you to get oral syringes we now offer them in the cureyourowncancer.org online store. The cannabis oil can be left in a stainless container and taken directly from there. Or the oil can also be put inside of empty pill capsules so it can be taken in pill form. Some people find putting it in capsules makes it easier to take. We also offer empty pill capsules for you in our online store. As a special offer for reading this use discount code: TAKEoff5 to get a 5% discount off of any syringes, pill capsules or apparel you order through the CYOC online store. For information on how to dose cannabis oil for cancer CLICK HERE
When the oil cools off it will be dark brown in color has the consistency of thick grease. When spread thin on a white piece of paper the oil should be golden in color. Some strains will produce very thick oil and it may be hard squeezing it out of the syringe. If this happens, place the syringe in warm water a few minutes before use to soften the oil. SEE PHOTOS. You can order your oral syringes for your cannabis oil right here in the CYOC online store.
To store your cannabis oil keep it at room temperature away from light and humidity to preserve its freshness. Storing times for home made cannabis oil are hard to determine because all batches of oil and oil makers are different. It is important to note however that any residual moisture from water that is remaining in the finished oil can cause the oil to go rancid. That is why making your own oil is so important. That way you know exactly what your getting in your oil. SEE PHOTOS |
Making Cannabis Oil using the Magical Butter Maker
To make cannabis oil in your butter maker:
Step 1: Remove the top of the machine, and set it aside. Pour into the machine 2 ½ ounces of medicinal cannabis*.
Step 2: Pour 750 ml of your solvent into the machine over your cannabis.
Step 3: Replace the top on the Magical Butter machine and plug it in. Set the temperature for 160 degrees (do not set the temperature any higher than this). Press the button labeled for tinctures “4 hours” and let the machine run. During this time the machine will heat up, buzz, whir and grind periodically as led lights flash and glow. The lights are a great whimsical touch, and actually give it a bit of a “magical” feel. After it completes the 4 hour cycle, let the machine cool for an additional half hour.
Step 4: Pour the resulting liquid through a strainer into a container. Squeeze out as much of the liquid through the strainer as possible.
Step 5: Carefully pour the liquid into a saucepan. Place your container onto a heating device, set it warm, and allow the liquid to come to a soft boil. This process is called a "reduction" and should be well attended and stirred along the way. After about 45-60 minutes of stirring and simmering, the oil should be reduced down to a consistency similar to a warm maple syrup. The small amount of oil left, is the highly concentrated medicinal cannabis oil. Carefully pour this into your desired bottle/container. Due to it's preparation using alcohol, this oil should store for a fairly long time. Upon completion, amount of oil will vary depending on the quality and strain of cannabis used.
Step 1: Remove the top of the machine, and set it aside. Pour into the machine 2 ½ ounces of medicinal cannabis*.
Step 2: Pour 750 ml of your solvent into the machine over your cannabis.
Step 3: Replace the top on the Magical Butter machine and plug it in. Set the temperature for 160 degrees (do not set the temperature any higher than this). Press the button labeled for tinctures “4 hours” and let the machine run. During this time the machine will heat up, buzz, whir and grind periodically as led lights flash and glow. The lights are a great whimsical touch, and actually give it a bit of a “magical” feel. After it completes the 4 hour cycle, let the machine cool for an additional half hour.
Step 4: Pour the resulting liquid through a strainer into a container. Squeeze out as much of the liquid through the strainer as possible.
Step 5: Carefully pour the liquid into a saucepan. Place your container onto a heating device, set it warm, and allow the liquid to come to a soft boil. This process is called a "reduction" and should be well attended and stirred along the way. After about 45-60 minutes of stirring and simmering, the oil should be reduced down to a consistency similar to a warm maple syrup. The small amount of oil left, is the highly concentrated medicinal cannabis oil. Carefully pour this into your desired bottle/container. Due to it's preparation using alcohol, this oil should store for a fairly long time. Upon completion, amount of oil will vary depending on the quality and strain of cannabis used.
Videos Showing How To Make Cannabis Oil
How to make Cannabis oil using a rice cooker |
Boiling away solvent when making cannabis oil |
Pouring finished cannabis oil from rice cooker |
How to make cannabis oil by Rick Simpson |
Rick Simpson on Quality of Cannabis Oil
How to make cannabis oil using a distiller |
How To Treat Skin Cancer: You will need about an ounce of high quality cannabis to make the oil to treat skin cancer. With this amount of starting material you should get 3 to 4 grams of high grade cannabis oil. You will apply the oil directly to the skin cancer and cover it with a clean bandage. RE-apply fresh cannabis oil every 3 or 4 days as well as a new bandage. Continue treatment until the cancer is gone. Once the cancer is gone continue to treat the same area where the cancer was for about two weeks just as if the cancer was still present. Doing this helps ensure that all the cancer cells die. If you've had skin cancer for a longer period of time, it may take a longer time to cure. In some skin cancer cases, the cancer disappears in less than three weeks. In extreme cases it could take longer. Just continue the treatment until the cancer gone. The speed of healing all depends on your own rate of healing and how deep the cancer is. Watch the video below to see basal cell carcinoma cured with only cannabis oil in 35 days. |
Watch Basal Cell Carcinoma Cured with Cannabis Oil in 35 days
Cannabis Videos
DR's on How cannabis kills cancer |
Dr. Melamede on cannabis and cancer |