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Cannabis Oil TestimonialsCannabis Oil Testimonials
By: Lincoln Horsley 4/20/2012 Each day people all over the world are treating their cancer, diabetes and other illnesses with cannabis oil. Of the many many people who are using this medicine to treat themselves, only a few are brave enough to share their story with the world. On this page I am collecting written and video testimonials from people who have treated themselves of cancer, diabetes and any other sickness with cannabis oil. The more patient testimonials I can provide, the more proof we have that of the power of cannabis oil as a medicine. So if you or someone you know has used or is currently using cannabis oil please send me your story. You can send a written or video testimonial and I will post it here. The more documentation that can be provided about the condition, diagnosis and treatment the better. Just click the button below to send your story. We hope these testimonials can help someone. All the stories below are real people who have treated their illnesses with cannabis oil. Good luck and God bless. |
Corrie Yelland's Story: Beating Anal and Skin Cancer with Cannabis Oil
Hi, My name's Corrie (Yelland). I'm 55 years old. In May of 2007, I had a heart attack and subsequently had a double bypass. As a result of the heart surgery, for 4 plus years, I have been plagued with chronic debilitating pain from a maligned sternum and post sternotomy neuralgia/syndrome. I was ingesting copious amounts of various pain killers 24/7. They barely touched the pain. I spent my days in agony, waiting for evening so I could try to sleep. I took sleeping pills nightly in a futile attempt to escape the hell I was going through and failed miserably. Within 2 hours of taking the pills, I would awake in agony.
Fast forward to July of 2011. Already coping with 2 spots of skin cancer on my collar bone, I was stunned when I was diagnosed with Anal Canal Cancer. (This is the same cancer that took Farrah Fawcett's life.) Following 2 surgeries, the doctor told me they did not get all the cancer and I would have to endure a regime of radiation treatments. I started researching what this would entail, and attended a intake meeting at the Cancer Clinic. I was informed that "this is the worst area of of the body to radiate", the radiation beam would hit both my coccyx and pubic bone potentially causing permanent damage." They would try not to hit my spine. CLICK TO READ THE FULL STORY -Corrie Yelland Dennis Hill's Story: A Biochemist Who Beat Prostate Cancer With Cannabis Oil"Three years ago, after a prostate biopsy, I was given the diagnosis of aggressive Stage III adenocarcinoma. I didn’t know what to do. The urologist made appointments for me to start radiation, and maybe chemo. Then a friend told me cannabis cures cancer. It just so happened that the first human trials of cannabis treatment of astrocytomas (inoperable brain cancer), were published with encouraging results. So I decided; rather than die from the medical treatment, I would do the cannabis cure. Now… where to get some. There was no dispensary in the area, but a friend made me cannabis butter, so I took that, up to tolerance. In three months the primary cancer was gone, only minor metastatic lesions were left. At that point I found a supplier for Rick Simpson oil and killed off the metastases in the next three months. Now I just take a maintenance dose of locally produced hash oil that is 1:1 THC:CBD with about a 30% potency. This will certainly keep me clear of cancer, anywhere, for ever.
My point in telling this story is the fact that in the face of advanced aggressive cancer, all I had was very weak cannabutter, but it was enough to eliminate the primary tumor. Now there are strains of 95% THC. But is this necessary? If you have cancer and want to pursue the cannabis treatment, any at all will be good. More important than extreme potency, is balance between THC and CBD. If you can get high potency, great. If not, common potencies will work perfectly. Finally, if you choose cannabinoid treatment, start small, then increase dosage as rapidly as tolerable. To kill cancer you have to hit it hard, be conscientious about your treatment. Cannabis does no harm to the body, it is a metabolic support for the immune system." CLICK TO READ THE FULL STORY -Dennis Hill
Joanne Crowther's Story: Beating Large B-cell lymphoma with Cannabis OilThis is Joanne Crowther's Story on how she beat Large B-cell lymphoma with Cannabis Oil. In the summer of 2009 Joanne was diagnosed with large B-cell lymphoma. The lymphoma was eliminated with chemotherapy in February 2010. The treatment caused significant nausea, vomiting, febrile neutropenia (fever resulting from abnormally low white blood cell count), and pneumonia requiring hospitalization....
....More scans in February 2012 revealed new adrenal cancerous nodules. Joanne began taking the chemotherapy drugs cisplatin and cytabarine to combat the cancers. She was then hospitalized between April 23rd, 2012 and May 3rd, 2012 due to acute renal failure and hepatitis, which had been induced by cisplatin and cytabarine respectively. The complications permanently ended Joanne’s chemotherapy regiment, with chemotherapy stopping in late April. Joanne was then diagnosed with relapsed intravascular diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and leptomeningeal disease.Without the strength to endure more chemotherapy or radiation, doctors could do nothing more, and Joanne was forced to try an alternative treatment.... ...In early May, she began taking cannabis oil. She started off with small rice-grain sized doses, but after a week felt no effects. She then uppedher dosage to a gram of oil a day, and within two weeks noticed beneficial effects – in general, feeling better and having more appetite. On July 30th, 2012, Joanne had a follow-up examination. The documentation resulting from the examination is below. It describes how Joanne is doing much better since being off chemotherapy, and that the left thigh mass “actually regressed spontaneously.” Two months later in Another exam from September 24th, 2012 it states Joanne is now in remission. The report also notes that she had been taking regular hemp oil supplements (referring to cannabis oil, not hemp seed oil) CLICK TO SEE JOANNE'S MEDICAL DOCUMENTS -Joanne Crowther
Charlotte Figi and Zaki Jackson's Journey: Treating Dravet & Doose Syndrome With Cannabis OilThis is the story of 5 year old Charlotte Figi. Charlotte suffered from Dravet Syndrome, a severe form of epilepsy found in children. From the time she was 2 she was having over 300 seizures a week which drastically affected her ability to learn, speak or even walk. She was unable to keep up with her twin sister. She was catatonic and nothing the doctors could do for her helped. All of their “medicines” had no effect on her condition and if anything they made her worse. Some of them almost killing her.
After exhausting all other treatments, her parents turned to the internet to see what alternative treatments may be available. To their surprise they found that a certain strain of cannabis (the strain was later named Charlottes Web in her honor) was specifically helping children with Dravet Syndrome. So they made the decision to give cannabis oil to their daughter and from the first dose the noticed results. The 300+ seizures she was experiencing each week was reduced to only 1. Her parents have been amazed with the results and are so happy to get their daughter back. Michael McShane's Story: Beating Squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer with Cannabis oilMike McShane has endured five bouts of Squamous cell carcinoma cancer. He’s spent a million dollars and has been treated with radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery by this team of doctors at the Detroit Medical Center. Today, he believes the invasive treatments were unnecessary. He says he’s cured his latest bout with the disease using a highly concentrated form of cannabis oil.
“I got Simpson oil and started putting it on and after ten days, ten days I saw it. The cancer started to break up before my eyes. It looked like a big white callous, and it started to fragment and break up.I was crying. It was unbelievable.” He called his Dermatologist, told him the cancer was back and that he was treating it with marijuana. McShane leaps from his chair in my office and starts dancing around, laughing. “Here I am, in my basement, with a 9th grade education and I’m healing my cancer, and I’m saying, ‘I‘m not going to spend 40 grand with you!’” He went to his doctors office. “You’ve got cancer on your face,” he told McShane. “I know,” he responded. “That’s the reason I’m here. I want you to put it in my chart and note it because when I come back I don’t think it’ll be here. It’s going to be gone because I’m using this marijuana oil.” His doctor told him, “well ok, but get to Dermatology immediately. That’s cancer.” McShane didn’t go to Dermatology. He continued using the oil and the cancer started to lose the battle very quickly. It took about three months to reach the underneath layer of live skin. During that time he went to see his doctor about four times who said he could see things were getting better.After three months of Simpson oil treatment, the cancer had broken down and exposed a layer of live skin. During that time McShane saw his doctor about four times, who confirmed his condition was improving. READ THE FULL STORY HERE Rick Simpson Rediscovered the Cure for Cancer: Cannabis OilSomeday the name "Rick Simpson" with be a household name. He will be known as the man who rediscovered the cure for cancer by everyone. Rick's journey to finding the cure for cancer starts back in 2003. In 2003 Rick was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma skin cancer. He had 3 spots of cancer on his body. 2 on his face and 1 on his neck. Rick's decision on how to handle this diagnosis would be world changing.
After not having much luck with surgery Rick decided to try something different. For almost a year Rick had been extracting the oil from the cannbais plant and ingesting it orally. He had been taking the oil for other health reasons but the cancer diagnosis reminded him of something and gave him an idea. He remembered a radio headline he heard almost 30 years earlier. The radio headline had stated that the University of Virginia had found the cannabinoid in cannabis THC could kill cancer in mice. He figured that if it kills cancer in mice it would kill his cancer too. Rick's decision was to apply cannabis oil to his skin cancer. He applied his cannabis oil to some bandages and put them on the skin cancer. After 4 days of waiting he decided it was time to see if anything had happened under the bandages. To Ricks surprise the cancer was gone. His cannabis oil had cured his cancer. Rick tried to tell his doctor but they wouldn't listen. He even went to the cancer organizations and tried to get their help but nobody wanted anything to do with his discovery. At that point Rick took matters into his own hands. He started growing cannabis on his own land and producing his own cannabis oil. He gave the oil away for free to anyone who needed it. Even after having his home raided multiple times and having over 2600 cannabis plants cut down and taken by the RCMP he still continued to produce the oil and help others. In 2008 Rick put out a free documentary on YouTube called "Run From the Cure". If you haven't watched it you should (shown below). This documentary has been viewed millions of times worldwide and has helped millions of people. If not for Rick and "Run From the Cure" who knows where cannbais medicine would be today. Its now been over 10 years since Rick began his journey to tell others that cannbais oil can cure cancer. Rick has healed over 5000 people personally with this amazing oil not to mention the countless others all over the world who have heard his story and have been healed. Rick was the inspiration for me to start CureYourOwnCancer and start helping others. The world owes this great man a thank you for his bravery and persistence in making sure that everyone everywhere knows about cannabis oil and what it can do. Dr. William Courtney: 8 months old patient cured of inoperable brain tumor with Cannabis OilDr. William Courtney told HuffPost Live host Alyona Minkovski about his youngest patient cured 0f cancer with cannabis oil. Saying he was "quite a skeptic 5 or 6 years ago", Dr. Courtney continued that "my youngest patient is 8 months old, and had a very massive centrally located inoperable brain tumor." The child's father pushed for non-traditional treatment utilizing cannabis. "They were putting cannabinoid oil on the baby's pacifier twice a day, increasing the dose... And within two months there was a dramatic reduction, enough that the pediatric oncologist allowed them to go ahead with not pursuing traditional therapy."The tumor was remarkably reduced after eight months of treatment. Dr. Courtney pointed out that the success of the cannabis approach means that "this child, because of that, is not going to have the long-term side effects that would come from a very high dose of chemotherapy or radiation... currently the child's being called a miracle baby, and I would have to agree that this is the perfect response that we should be insisting is front line therapy for all children before they launch off on all medications that have horrific long term side effects."
Tricia Dennis's Story: Melanoma Skin Cancer Cured With Cannabis Oil over 60 days
Peter Germain's Story: Treating Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity with Cannabis OilCureYourOwnCancer,
This is a before and after picture of me. The left was in august 2011 and the right is August 2012. Last year my blood sugar was 12% at 8 pills a day after a fast tests. I weighed 215lbs. After 7 weeks of digesting the hemp/cannabis oil my blood sugar was 4.5% with no pills. That was last November and it is still the same today. My diabetes is gone! I continue to keep doing a small dose of the oil and today the scale said 162.5lbs. I did not change my diet, but the oil did for me. I think it's VERY important to so many people with just obesity and diabetes, yet alone cancer that could benefit from this. I don't know if you've tried the oi , but wow! I was diagnosed with dyslexia as a kid. i could never spell, but for some reason I can spell 10 times better now!! Everything has been a "WTF" kind of an experience in a very positive way. ;p -Peter Germain Lincoln Horsley's Story: Helping Cure Stage 4 Stomach, Throat and Pancreatic cancer with cannbais oil"In 2010 I accidentally stumbled upon the movie "Run from the Cure" on YouTube. I was very skeptical when I initially heard that cannabis could cure cancer. Like everyone, I assumed that if there was a cure for cancer it wouldn't be kept quiet. After countless hours of watching videos and reading through articles and studies I began to change my opinion. There was so much science behind cannabis and its effects on cancer I couldn't believe it.....
I was contacted by a man in 2011 who had stage 4 throat, stomach and pancreatic cancer. He asked if i would help him so I helped get him some cannbais oil and he began taking it. After being on the oil about 30 days he had a checkup and he had a 20% reduction in his cancer. On his 60 checkup they considered him remission. So after I was personally able to help someone cure themselves of stage 4 cancer I started to think of other ways I could spread this message and help more people, more than just the people I come in contact with every day. I wanted to be able help other people all over the world. I also wanted to save people all those hours of researching information on cannabis and cancer by providing it all in one place. So I created CYOC to be able to do those things." CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL STORY -Lincoln Horsley Creator of cureyourowncancer.org Basal Cell Carcinoma Cured with cannabis oil over 35 days
Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cured With Cannabis Oil
Dear CureYourOwnCancer, A while back, I read about Rick Simpson and cannabis oil and decided to try making some. I have been growing marijuana for a very long time. I used some of my best buds, and made up some premium cannabis oil. I tried it and could not believe it. It was so potent it was like nothing I have ever had. After trying it, I knew of a patient that had been battling cancer (Hodgkin's Lymphoma) for about 11 years at that point. I offered to be his medical marijuana caregiver, and supply him with the oil at no cost to him so long as he would take the oil as recommended. At that time, he was a stranger to me more than less. I had met him about a year prior at a compassion club meeting and learned then that he had the cancer. I really wanted to see if the oil could cure cancer, as mentioned in Rick Simpson's "Run From the Cure". So, after getting in contact with this patient and presenting the offer to him, we filed the proper paperwork with our state and began treatment. We set it up to where he would be in possession of the plants, so eventually, he would be able to provide the oil to himself. That was also part of the agreement, that he learn how to help himself. We began treatment. At first it was difficult for him because the oil was so potent, and taking it three times per day can be quite difficult. After three months, a very tumor on his upper chest started to shrink. After five months, the tumor was completely gone. He then went in for a CAT scan. The results came back that he is cancer free! The doctors have been trying to cure his cancer for at least 11 years. Chemo, bone marrow transplants, and so on. All it took was about a pound of premium bud converted into cannabis oil. He has his before and after CAT scan results on disk (will be provided to us soon). He has come forward and spoken publicly to people. In fact, he is now a caregiver helping other patients with the healing cannabis oil! This story is the real deal, no B.S. I have two videos (both to the right) that were taken at a local cannabis camp. One video is just my patient. The other video is my patient and other patient's testimonies. My patient and I give the glory to God for this miracle. Sincerely, GrowGoddess |
Joe Crowe UPDATECannabis Oil Cured Joe's Cancer |
Video Testimonials
Robert Melamede,PhD
Rick Simpson |
Ronnie Smith |
Brave MykaylaCannabis Rising |
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